Add your BOAT NAME and HAIL to a WoodenBoat Belt Buckle. This works on the small logo Gunmetal Gray, or Black buckles.
After you add to cart, click VIEW CART button. You will then see the ADD MONOGRAM and ORDER NOTES field. Type what you would like engraved (up to 25 characters, on a single row). PLEASE be careful with the spelling.
When ordering the custom engraving, don't forget to actually add a buckle, and a woven belt to your "cart" before you check-out and pay. Click here to add a BUCKLE OR WOVEN BELT.
Since these laser-etched buckles are custom (and SOMEBODY won't let us play with lasers here at the Store) please allow a bit of extra time for delivery—like two to four weeks.
FYI: our etching folks will determine if the name is all upper or upper and lower case, based on how it fits on the buckle. Same with the State... it might be abbreviated (like ME for Maine) or spelled out, depending on how it all fits on the buckle.
Please double (perhaps triple) check the BUCKLE STYLE and TEXT. Once the item is etched, you cannot return or exchange it.