"The heavens are a fairyland, filled with marvels, to anyone who opens his mind and spirit to them; facts are often as inspiring as fancies and what one sees aloft in the skies is as real as anything to be experienced on earth." How can you not love a book with this kind of an outlook?
It is indeed a wonderful book, in part because it explains weather and weather forecasting in a simple, elegant, and humorous way. And at this price, you'll want to consider getting more than one as you're either going to lend (and lose) your copy, or realize you'll want to give this to family and friends. As Sloane points out, this book was the result of an article in The Rudder as sailors wanted to be weather-wise. And Flying Magazine wanted the book to also be relevant to their readers because they have to be weather-wise.
And, thanks to Charlie N. for the link to the Eric Sloane Museum.
by Eric Sloane
90 pp., softcover
8 1/2 x11