From Truths to Tools

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Sale price$37.00


From Truths to Tools” is a hand-illustrated work that masquerades as a children’s book. There are funny drawings. 

The book begins with an explanation of a circle and a single point, and it then shows how those simple ideas can be used to create an entire set of layout tools – a try square, a straightedge, dividers etc. that allow you to build furniture.

By Jim Tolpin & George Walker

208 pp hardcover

Check out an excerpt of the book below.



Introduction 1

The Awl 8
Dividers 13
Rulers 16
Story Sticks 21
Compass 27
Spiling Batten 34
Bending Battens 47
Marking Implements 49
Plane Generators 58
Gauges 69
Squares 95
'Smart' Square 108
Plumb Line 117
Libella 122
Center Finder 128
Sector 136
Proportional Dividers 141
Scale of Chords 145
Protractor 149
Large-Scale Layout Tools 155
The Triplet 157
Carpenter's Ten-Foot Pole 160
Thirteen-Knot Cord 164
Cord of Polygones 168
Groma and Merchet 172
Cords of Magnitude and Angle 175
Chorobate 179
Cross Staff 182
Logger's Felling Gauge 186

Appendix 191

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